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Patient Stories 


Harvey had a shunt inserted at the age of 11.  Now 17, Harvey talks about his life with a shunt.

Donations and Support 

The Neurosurgical Society of Australasia is a small not for profit society which embraces any partnerships which assist in raising funds and awareness for the implementation and expansion of the Shunt Registry.  There is currently no provision for ongoing Government funding for the Shunt Registry.

Read more about why the Shunt Registry is important.

Donations to the Shunt Registry should be made payable to the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia and forwarded to the address below.

Australasian Shunt Registry
Neurosurgical Society of Australasia
PO Box 23337
Melbourne Victoria 8012
Email: s[email protected]
Phone: + 61 3 9642 4699
Facsimile: + 61 3 9642 5611